Goal #8. Donate 10 pieces of clothing I'm not using. Didn't do much to declutter my closet but it feels good to know that what I am not using will give someone else pleasure.
Goal #24:Actually sit in my vintage lawn chair out front and read (I always forget it's out there)
Goal #44. Develop 2 casseroles that can be frozen and kept as staples. Found a GOOD recipe for an easy old family favorite of my husband's...Tatortot Casserole. Not quite like mom's but deemed damned acceptable. One enjoyed, one in the freezer. King's Ranch Casserole..WOW! Wonderfully fulfilling comfort food that is almost a balanced meal in a baking dish! This recipe is an old Texas Bunkhouse meal and it turns out that one batch will make enough for dinner for two and the freezer! Need to modify just a bit to be nutritionally conscious, after all, does ANYTHING need a full pound of shredded cheese BESIDES pizza?
Goal #49. Make Christmas earrings for Amy
Goal #55. Make Christmas earrings for Lauren
Book #1 of 25...read: Three Dog Nightmare
I just finished reading Three Dog Nightmare by Chuck Negron. So many of us have had our lives touched by magnificent people who killed their bodies, their spirit through addiction.
This book made me realize that sometimes compassion and love make us enablers. That the greatest love of all could be to stand back and allow another person to sink or swim in their own private nightmare.
Reading this forever changed my reality of how I have to deal with addicts in my life. It made me understand that no matter how much I love someone I can't help them if they love the bottle or needle or a little red pill more than themselves, if they have reached a point that their body deems that drug necessary to survival.
Chuck Negron changed my life growing up with his music and has changed it once more with his honesty and candor.
If you have someone in your life that needs chemicals to live while dying, this is a must read.

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