Saturday, June 25, 2011

How To Keep The High Cost Of Weddings Down

©Marcia The Art of Photography 2011

Are you a Bride? Mom of one? BFF, maybe? If you are planning a wedding you are busy as all get out and probably having panic attacks every other minute about the money you are spending. Well, there is a way that you and every other person in this particular venture can help to keep rising costs down.

Etiquette. Didn't see that one coming, huh? While all the romance surrounding your big day is turning you into a mountain of mush, remember that you are conducting a series of business transactions. Professional behavior on your part can equal savings down the road in a way you'd never expect.

Many in the event business are one or two person businesses. Any wedding vendor will tell you that they spend part of each and every work day following up on inquiries that are not responded to, or potential clients that take one small piece of information without context (usually price) and disappear without a trace. Each time a vendor has to take the time to do this it takes away from giving true service to their current clients (the only place where they are truly making money). To a certain extent, the more time that vendors take tracking down busy brides, the more they have to charge for their services. Look at it this way. Any business can keep their prices down by being able to service a higher volume of clients. Follow-ups are a part of any business but when more time is taken doing this because people feel there is no need to respond then that vendor doesn't have time to take on that extra client or two that can bring in the profits to allow keeping package prices down.

So how can you help? If you ask for prices via e-mail, offer a starting budget, too. If you liked that vendor enough to contact them in the first place, take the time to keep a dialogue going to see if they can actually service your needs. Here's an don't really know what you want with your photography but you know you only want to spend $2000. Photographer XYZ's starting package is at $2500 and you really, really like what they do, but you walk away without responding. Well, you don't know, they might have been able to customize a package that would have been perfect if you had continued the dialogue. Or you might have been able made some changes in your budget to accommodate the difference.

Now here's what's happening on the other side of the internet. That photographer will ultimately spend around 1/3 to 1/2 an hour in what should be billable time answering your initial inquiry and then making follow-ups to try to help you. This is where you can help with rising costs. By either sending one more email saying that you are making other arrangements or continuing the dialogue you are helping that vendor be more efficient with their time and enabling them to keep their costs and therefore their prices down.

So, help your Baby Sister, your BFF or even your Grandmom (they have second weddings sometimes <3) save some money on their wedding planning by being concientious with yours. It's like being eco-friendly...if we each do a little, it will all help a lot.

Floral Design by Karin Crawford, God's Garden Treasures

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A Little Something For You

I love old cars....I love the pattern of worn paint and the patina of rust eating through metal...this image is from the land of ancient cars, Seligman, AZ, a Father's day gift to you.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Client Spotlight: Heather Hunter, Holistic Psychotherapist

I recently had the honor to work with Heather Hunter, Holistic Psychotherapist, Medical Intuitive and Director of Casa Mariposa on updating her head shots.

Combining traditional training with her intuitive awareness and gifts, Heather confidently addresses all levels of mind, body, and spirit wellness. Often Heather is immediately drawn to and able to identify the source of your physical and /or emotional pain. Heather receives specific intuitive impressions and often detailed information enabling her to make the connection between symptoms/ illness and life event or emotional or physical trauma. A one-time assessment can be very beneficial if you are open, receptive, and ready for change, or Heather can devise treatment plans for continued sessions. Heather's training in individual and family systemic theories integrates seamlessly with her intuitive skills to effectively target a client's life areas requiring the most attention. Heather is experienced in working with families and children and is an advocate for new and better ways to counsel, heal, and support children and adolescents.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Vintage Marcia

Sometimes it's fun to go through the archives and pull some vintage images to share. This is an image that I just love. There's something about the rhythm and flow, seeing the representational in the train and tux while seeing the abstract.

To me, this image has always felt almost supernatural, a ghost of an image that could be from the 20's or just yesterday.

Not every image needs to show faces,,,sometimes seeing just a trace of the couple leaving is enough.