What is Omnipod? It is an Insulin Pump that can literally change the life of a juvenile diabetic. Omnipod is giving a Powerbook with filmaking software to the winner of their video competition.
How can you help? I've attached the email I received from Will's mom below. Will produced his video for The Omnipod Competition and votes are counted by the number of viewings. Please use the link included in Harlene's email below to see how the Omnipod gave Will the freedom to pursue his dreams.

P L E A S E pass the following around to everyone you know.....
Our diabetic son William, now 21, is a very talented film student at SBCC. Since he was diagnosed with diabetes at 14 he has struggled with it despite his/our constant attention and care. Earlier this year William began wearing an Omnipod insulin pump and it has changed his life.
Now to the reason for this email. Omnipod has opened a video contest titled "How The Omnipod Has Changed My Life" exclusively for Omnipod wearers. When William learned of the contest it was a natural fit for him as a young filmmaker. The contest is judged on three merits, one being views/hits. We have sent the link to everyone we know, however, we were hoping you would consider sharing it with everyone you know in your email address books. We need a viewership of thousands to be competitive. William has put his heart and soul into this 3 min. piece. The Omnipod has given him so much hope for his future and he is finally feeling he can realize his dreams of being a filmmaker. The prize for this contest is a MacBook Pro laptop (with filmmaking software included) which he desperately needs for his college classes at SOMA-SBCC.
Here is the link to William's video (submissions must be made through YouTube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQU5U9ADo-Y
Thank you so much for anything you can do to "spread this video"! If you have any questions, please feel free to call us anytime
at 805-964-7612. From the bottom of our hearts we wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009!
Gary & Harlene
You're The Star Video Productions
Voted "2008 Best of Weddings-Videographer" by The Knot Magazine
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